Thank you

for your interest in the Go Global Conference

We are excited to bring more than 50 countries together in Atlanta for an unforgettable experience.

As we prepare your invitation, please use the following resources to learn more and stay connected to us.

GOC Webinars

Discover Insights and Expand Your Knowledge

Click to access valuable knowledge crafted to enhance your journey in international business.

Cali Colombia Outbound Delegation

Journey Through Shared Connections

Vibrant moments and enduring connections forged during our Cali Colombia Outbound Delegation. Explore the photo gallery to see on the enriching experiences shared.

Global Opportunities Committee (GOC) Global Success Panel

Engaging with Inspiring Wisdom and Guidance

Browse through captivating snapshots capturing the essence of our Global Opportunities Committee (GOC) Global Success Panel.

GOC in person workshop

Witnessing Skills Development and Collaborative Spirit

We embraced transformative moments and collaborative spirit of our GOC In-Person Workshop. Dive into the photo collection to witness firsthand the partnerships cultivated.

Zimbabwe Inbound Delegation

Experiencing Unforgettable Cultural Exchange

Celebrated the enduring bonds and cultural exchange captured during our Zimbabwe Inbound Delegation. Explore the photo gallery to see the cherished memories and cross-cultural connections.

Africa Outbound Delegation
South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia

Exploring Business Horizons

the Atlanta Black Chambers' Global Opportunities Committee embarked on a transformative journey to South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia, fostering connections with over 500 business owners and entrepreneurs across six cities.

Chamber Partner Sponsors

Media & advertising Sponsors

Airline Sponsor